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Job Seekers: Skype Interview Dos and Don’ts

SkypeTricks of the trade with Skype!

If you’ve been on a computer for more than five minutes in the last six months, you probably know a few simple truths: Candy Crush is highly addictive and fun, you’re much more likely to find out about your great-aunt’s surgery over twitter than by phone call, and Skype is the go-to method for online communication. Actually, Skype is more than just communication. While many use it to simply chat with friends or check up on great aunt Martha’s health, many more see it as an opportunity within the workplace.

These days, it is becoming more and more common for businesses to rely on Skype for meetings, business relations, and even job interviews. This is true for several reasons, including:

  • It allows businesses to perform interviews with individuals who live out of the area.
  • It saves money, because companies don’t have to dedicate space for interviews to be conducted during business hours. All the interviewer needs is a desk and computer with a webcam.
  • It saves time, especially for the job candidate. Consider, for instance, the time it takes to attend a job interview when you’re currently employed. If the interview is scheduled during you lunch break, you waste time traveling from work to the location the interview will take place.

With Skype interviewing becoming much more common, it is important for every candidate to understand how to conduct themselves when they aren’t face-to-face with a hiring manager.

The Secrets to Skype Interviewing

An interview for Orlando jobs that is conducted over Skype is just as serious and important as one that is conducted in person. To ensure you make a great first impression, here are some essential dos and don’ts.

  • Do Dress for the Part- You’re attending an interview, so act like it. While the hiring manager may only see the top half of your body, dressing for the part will help you not only appear professional, but act like it as well. Avoid only dressing from the waist up. While those sweat pants may be more comfortable, they aren’t going to be impressive if you need to stand up during the interview.
  • Don’t Let Technology be an Excuse- Before the interview, get in a bit of practice on Skype. Understand how it works and test your connection at different times of the day. If you discover that staying connected is a problem, arrange to have the Skype interview at a different location- preferably one with high speed internet access.
  • Do Minimize Distractions- Make sure you’re alone during the interview. Parents, roommates, and the dog can all distract you from creating a fantastic impression and jeopardize your chances for Orlando jobs. In addition, think about what is behind you. Dirty laundry and cluttered bookcases can serve as a distraction for the interviewer.
  • Don’t Forget to Act Like it’s a Normal Interview- Think about how you would act during a normal interview. Would you be surfing the internet? Would you be checking your phone? No, you wouldn’t. Look directly at the interviewer throughout the process and remember to smile.

With new technology comes new employment trends. Make sure you’re ready if you’re ever asked to do an interview over Skype. How you dress, what you do, and your location can impact whether or not you are hired for a new position.

If you’re searching for employment in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Bradenton, or Orlando, give HH Staffing Services a call. Our professional staffing service will test your skills and match you up with a temp-to-perm or a temporary employment opportunity that matches your interest level as well as your skill set!

Follow HH Staffing Service on Facebook for up do date employment openings and fill our online employment application. Partner with us today and we’ll help you reach a better tomorrow!


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