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5 Ways to Handle Being Short-Staffed At Work

Short-StaffedWe are short-staffed! What do we do?

Life and business are unpredictable. Health issues, family emergencies, an employee quitting, or a spike the in workload can occur at any time. Sometimes, no matter how well you plan and prepare, you end up being short-staffed at work.

When this happens, oftentimes people end up spreading themselves too thin. The company essentially goes into triage mode. It can be stressful, chaotic and exhausting. Productivity may decrease and morale may plummet.

Strategies need to be implemented as soon as possible to avoid having things get too out of hand. The show must go on, as they say. As a top Florida employment agency, here are our suggestions on handling being short-staffed at work. Hang in there!

1. Prioritize

Focus on the things that absolutely must be done. The top priority tasks. Then go from there, step by step. Maybe filing and other housekeeping items take a backseat for awhile.

2. Teamwork & Communication

When you are short-staffed, especially in a small office, it’s all hands on deck. If you have a good team in place already they can pull together and pick up the slack. Make sure you know what your employees are doing beyond their job description, as this can give you better insight on how to re-delegate some of the work.

3. Stay Positive

While you may feel like waving a white flag in defeat, it is imperative that you keep your and your employees spirits up. Find humor where you can– laughter is a guaranteed stress buster. It is also essential to stay calm. Any task can seem impossible when you are in a panic.

4. Take Breaks

Yes, your work load may have increased, but it is still important to take breaks. Though you may be tempted to stay in your office and keep working through lunch, you would be better off stepping away for a bit. Breathe. Don’t feel guilty. Think of clearing your head as part of your job.

5. Call your local staffing agency!

A temp agency like HH Staffing can be an excellent resource for you when you are short-staffed. Our team will assess your specific needs and our talented candidates can fill in for however long the situation requires.


For more employment advice and information regarding our staffing services, please visit our website. We are also very social and enjoy connecting with our clients and candidates, so be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest. Our expert recruiters have a wealth of knowledge to share with you.


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