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5 Ways to Reduce Job Search Anxiety

Is Anxiety Hurting Your Ability To Find A Job?Reduce Job Search Anxiety

We are not going to sugarcoat it– searching for a job can be downright awful. This is one of the many reasons why we are successful as a staffing agency. The search for employment can be stressful, overwhelming, and it can trigger job search anxiety.

As a top Florida staffing agency, we have a few tips for you on how to handle and reduce your stress when it comes to finding a job.

1. Create a Game Plan

It is difficult to take the right steps when you don’t have a specific goal in mind. Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University conducted a study about the value of writing down goals. She found that people who wrote them down were approximately 33% more successful in accomplishing them than those who simply thought about their goals.

2. Be Present & Avoid Negativity

Try to remain focused on each step of the process and take one task at a time. Don’t let your mind wander to possible obstacles in the future. And don’t keep telling yourself how much you hate the job search. If you make a real effort to do the right things and keep a positive mindset something good is bound to happen for you.

3. Get Out Of the House

During your job search, we recommend that you do not just sit at home and apply for jobs online. Don’t stay cooped up and face the rejection that often comes with blasting out a bunch of online applications. It is a great idea to leave your house to do some volunteer or contracted work. Federal research has found that people who volunteer are 27% more likely to find a job. Plus it gives you the satisfaction of giving back.

4. Take Some of the Pressure Off

When you are seeking employment there will be a lot of people who have suggestions for you. Some are helpful while others can create even more anxiety. If you have friends or relatives who are stressing you out it is perfectly okay to request that they cease the job search discussion. Tell them that you appreciate and value their input but you will let them know when you have found a new position.

5. Practice Stress Relief Techniques

If you find that you are overcome with job search anxiety it is important to try to relieve yourself of some of the stress. Do whatever relaxes you whether it is exercise, meditation, reading a book, playing music or hanging out with a good friend. Don’t forget to breathe!


We hope this information has been helpful to you. For more information regarding our employment agency or a listing of the positions we have available, please visit our website. Be sure to follow us on social media, as we post daily on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest. We look forward to helping you make your search for a career easier. Happy job seeking!


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