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College Grads: Job Seeking Apps Just For You!

Must Have Apps For College Grads

college grads

Job seeking is stressful business! Why not make your life easier with these top rated apps geared towards college grads new to the job market. Check them out.

It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know!

College Grads . . . .that old adage is still very true, especially in this time of social networking.  And LinkedIn is all about creating and building business relationships.  This handy networking app will let you search for and follow people, jobs, companies, and groups, update your profile, and even apply to recommended jobs with your LinkedIn profile.  This is a must-have for any college grads looking for jobs.

What do I want to be when I grow up?

Many college grads are unsure which industry is best for them.  IPQ Career Planner is an iPhone app that helps narrow down the search with a personality and skills assessment. The app analyzes those results and uses them to recommend appropriate jobs. It also offers career advice.

It’s not just paper anymore.

Pocket Resume allows college grads to create and email resumes from their iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Blackberry or Android devices. The app saves users the trouble of formatting their resumes, allows on-the-go edits and exports a resume as a PDF or RTF file.

We are who we say we are.

The Job Interview Questions Prep app helps college grads adequately prepare for interviews and gain confidence in their responses. Users view 1-2 minute videos of commonly asked interview questions and hear ideal responses that will help them stand out from other candidates. The first five questions are free, but users are charged a fee to practice further.

The hunt is on!

College grads can use Indeed to access millions of employment opportunities from thousands of online job boards and company websites. Those who sign up for a free account create an Indeed resume and browse jobs according to keywords and location. While scrolling through open positions, users can save and email their favorites so they can go back later and apply. The site remembers users’ most recent searches and updates the amount of new job postings with every visit. 

We got your back!

Background checks are becoming more common in the hiring process.EKnowID allows college grads to do background checks on themselves so they are aware of how they will appear to hiring managers. The company believes that such information should be available to individuals as well as corporations. U.S. background checks are completed within 72 hours and international checks take about 2 weeks.

College grads arm yourself with the best tools out there! Take a little time and check out these apps and more! We would love to hear about any other tools and applications that you find helpful in the job seeking process. Write us today!

College grads we are hiring! Did you know that HH Staffing has over 26 year of specialized staffing experience? We offer a full menu of staffing options and have a reputation among the best in southern FL. We specialize in property management, finance, administrative professional and light industrial staffing. Our job board www.hhstaffingservices.com is always jam packed with opportunities for full-time, part-time, direct and temporary work. Temporary work is a great way for a college grad to boost their resume and get some real world experience. Join the HH Staffing team today – email jobs@hhstaffingservices.com.

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