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Florida Jobseekers – Are you Guaranteed Work After Graduating College?

work after graduatingWith college tuition costs continuing to rise and a fluctuating job market, many Florida job seekers are wondering if spending several thousands of dollars (and multiple years) to earn a degree is the best decision. It poses the question: Does a college degree really increase your chances of finding for work after graduating?

Guaranteed Work? The Chance of Employment Upon Graduation:

Please refer to the info-graphic below for some important insights on this topic. A graph illustrates the enrollment numbers from 2010 and projected numbers up to 2024. Despite a dip in 2013, numbers seem to be on the rise and have been since 1990. The rising costs, being one of the biggest issues involved in whether or not to enroll, has its own dedicated chart illustrating the average tuition, fees, room and board at four year institutions. In 1982 one expected to pay $10,000. Gradually the costs rose until students of 2013 were expected to pay $23,872.

Obviously, graduation from a four year institution is different than finding employment post-graduation. However a recent study shows that graduates are not having as much trouble as imagined finding jobs in their chosen field. 65% of 2014 graduates are employed and another 4% are working internships. Only 31% were unemployed at the time of the study. 36% of the employed graduates were working full time. 17% held permanent part time positions, and 12% were doing temp or contracted work.

Lastly a group of illustrations shows how close to their chosen field graduates were able to gain employment. The fields evaluated are science/engineering, liberal arts/social science/education, and business. Science and engineering professionals are most likely to find a job in their chosen area, whereas the liberal arts/social science/education groups are least likely. One fourth of the liberal arts/social science/education graduates will find themselves employed in an area that is not related to their chosen field.

If you are struggling with your post-graduation Florida job search, please reach out to us and we can help you get a foot in the door to your dream job. We have a number of exciting career opportunities for you to choose from, and we get new positions frequently. Right now we have a number of opportunities in the construction industry, such as an Estimator, Land Development Administrator, Exterior Sign Estimator, and Design Center Manager. Check out more of our available positions on our website or give us a call at (941)751-6262. We look forward to working with you!






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