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Florida Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Benefits

Are you eligible?

Quite simply, being unemployed is the worst. The bills don’t stop coming and the job search can be downright discouraging.

As a top Florida employment agency, we frequently get questions on how to apply for unemployment benefits. While we do not provide the services through our company, we are well-versed on the process. We hope you find this information helpful.


You must be out of work through no fault of your own in order to qualify for unemployment benefits. This includes layoffs due to the economy and being fired for not being able to do your job. However, in the state of Florida, if you are fired for misconduct you will not qualify for unemployment benefits. Additionally, if you quit your job these benefits are generally not available to you. Of course there are always extenuating circumstances.


In order to collect unemployment, your past earnings must meet certain minimums. Read more here. You are also required to keep a written record of your search for employment, which the unemployment agency can request at any time. Failure to comply will result in termination of your benefits.


In Florida, your weekly benefit amount is calculated by dividing your total earnings for the highest paid quarter of the base period (explained in the link above) by 26, up to a current maximum of $275 per week.


If your claim is accepted, it will generally take 3-4 weeks to receive your first unemployment check. You can receive checks for anywhere between 12 to 23 weeks, depending on Florida’s current unemployment rate. In certain situations extensions are available.

To file for unemployment benefits you may do so online. Naturally, we strongly encourage partnering with a staffing agency, so you can back to work as quickly as possible.


For more information regarding our services, please visit the website. We also enjoy engaging with our candidates and clients on social media, so be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. We look forward to working with you!


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