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Job Interview Tips: Ace Your Next Interview

job interviewFour Easy Steps To A Successful Job Interview

You did it! You landed a job interview. What an accomplishment considering only three to five applicants land the job interview. That is often out of hundreds of applicants. Now you must face the next challenge, getting through the job interview process. It’s not impossible, but it is difficult.

To ace your upcoming job interview here are HH Staffing’s four easy steps to get you through with great success.

1) Dress the part – for success!

Seems simple enough, right? First impressions are important so be sure to bring out your best pressed suit the night before. Ensure it still fits 🙂 and is clean and wrinkle free. Stick with easy color schemes like navy blue and black. Accessories are important too! Get out a neck tie and crisp white shirt. Flashy clothes or jeans and t-shirts do not shout hire me! Remember people meet you visually before they meet your verbally.

2) Maintain eye contact.

Often interviews are by a group. Be sure to make consistent eye contact with each member of the group. Avoiding members of the group may cause alienation and you want each and every person to be engaged with you as well as relate to you. A great tip is to write down everyones name and when they address you – address them back by name. An easy way to impress the interviewers.

3) Research – Research – Research

One important question is what do you know about the company? Not knowing much shows a lack of respect to your new hiring managers. If you did your research be sure to tie that into the answers of your questions. Mention how your skills match the company’s mission and future goals. Be a go getter and be bold!

Remember this is your chance to interview the company as well. Do you want to work for a company that goes against what you believe in? Do your research ahead of time and come prepared.

4) Send thank you notes.

Thank you notes sent to interviewers can make a great, lasting impression especially when a thank you is sent within twenty-four hours and it is a handwritten note as opposed to an email. Use the names you wrote down at the introduction phase of the interview, find addresses for all interviewers and write a separate thank you for each.

We can’t wait to hear about all of your job interview success! Share your favorite job interview tips with us – we would love to hear them. HH Staffing is social – get social with us! Join us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter  and Google +job huntersLooking for a new position? Don’t forget HH Staffing specializes in Property Management, Finance, Administrative Professionals, Light Industrial and Legal. We have offices in Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa and our home office in Sarasota. We hire full-time, part-time, direct hire and temporary candidates. Want to share your skills with us or ask us a question? Email us at jobs@hhstaffingservices.com.


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