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Learn from Job Rejection

Learn from Job Rejection

Rejection is not fatal!

Being rejected by a company you were hoping to become a part of can make you feel like a failure, especially if you did everything you possibly could to prepare. However, it is all about how you handle your situation. One often learns the most from making mistakes. So, you can decide to either wallow in self-pity or choose to move forward with renewed confidence.

Based on our experience as an employment agency, here are some ways you can learn from job rejection. We hope you find them helpful!

The Science & Stats behind Rejection

Rejection is not just felt mentally; your body reacts physically as well. Studies show that the same areas of the brain are activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain.

Certainly there are many factors, but right now, if you have been unemployed for less than five months you have about a 35% chance of getting a job in the next month. However, if you have been unemployed for over a year, your chance of getting work is only 10%, which is actually an improvement since the recession.

Let Yourself Feel Your Emotions

It is perfectly okay to feel disappointed after a rejection. It can be very important for healing. Being rejected undermines our fundamental “need to belong.” Just don’t let your disappointment turn into depression or aggression. Reconnect with friends and family who support you and accept you the way you are, which can help soothe your emotional pain. On the plus side, people who experience rejection in a painful way are more likely to correct their behavior.

Putting Things into Perspective

On average, there are at least 250 applications submitted for one single position, depending on the industry and the level of the position.. You are most certainly not the only one dealing with rejection. Understand that some people might be better suited for the job than you. Maybe you didn’t get the job you wanted because there is an even better opportunity out there waiting for you. Cliché as it is, everything really does happen for a reason.

Bounce Back from Rejection

Learn from job rejection by turning it into an opportunity to refine your approach. What worked? What didn’t? A good idea would be to stay positive by creating a list of all your talents. People tend to change their reactions based on your behavior toward them. If you go into your interview with expectations of acceptance and with an upbeat attitude, it is possible to change the other person’s behavior. People who expect success often get it. So, take control and get ready to tackle your next interview.  Don’t ever give up!


For more job seeker tips or information regarding our staffing services, please visit our website or follow us on Facebook. Our expert team of recruiters has a wealth of knowledge to assist you with all of your employment needs.


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