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Three Cost-Effective Ways to Improve Your Candidates’ Onboarding Experience

Have you avoided making onboarding changes due to fear of high costs? You may be surprised to learn about many low-cost (or no-cost) strategies that can improve candidates’ onboarding experience and play a critical role in transforming your workplace culture. Here are some of the easiest, cost-effective onboarding strategies to ensure your newest employees have the necessary knowledge, tools, and support to succeed at your company:

Extend a warm welcome from your leadership team.

With onboarding often being extensive, it’s easy to dismiss the importance of welcoming new staff. However, executives who make the time to greet employees during onboarding build goodwill and camaraderie, contributing to a collaborative environment in which staff feel valued and recognized for their roles. Whether it’s the president, a VP, or high-level manager at your company, scheduling a member of your leadership team to personally speak with new hires can significantly enhance the quality of onboarding.

Assign mentors.

Encouraging mentorship in the workplace benefits every employee at your organization, from entry-level staff to your upper management team. By assigning new employees with mentors during the onboarding process, you’ll immediately provide them with a source of support during their first few days and weeks on the job. You can match employees with mentors based on a variety of factors, such as experience level or department. Introducing new hires to their respective mentors during the early stages of onboarding can be instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition as they acclimate within your company.

Add elements of fun.

Despite what many believe, the onboarding process does not need to be dry and boring. In fact, there are many ways to elevate aspects of your onboarding so new hires are more engaged and excited to take part in their initial training. For example, including a lunch or team-building activity throughout the program will give staff a chance to socialize with other coworkers whom they’ll be interacting with at the company. Creating a social environment will personalize the experience and foster a greater sense of connection from the start.

In many ways, your onboarding process sets the tone for how your company is perceived by new hires. By utilizing the strategies above, you’ll be investing not just in your staff, but in the long-term success of your organization at large.

Is your HR department struggling to find the right people for your hiring needs? Get in touch and learn how a partnership with HH Staffing can help.

Until Next Time,

Your Staffing Partner, Darrin Rohr- President, CEO, and Chief Servant

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Current owner of HH Staffing and Former Chief HR Officer for several successful Multinational Fortune 500 Companies. Brings a fresh perspective from decades of experience creating Great Workplace Cultures by building high-performance teams while leading and managing people from all different backgrounds. HH Staffing is headquartered in Sarasota, Florida, and is uniquely positioned to serve both local and national clients.


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