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Three Signs a Career in Property Maintenance is Right for You

Feeling bored or uninspired in your current job? If you’re ready for a change of pace, you may want to explore some completely new employment opportunities. Jobs in property maintenance offer many intangible benefits that can increase your career satisfaction and provide a better work-life balance. Here are three signs a career in property maintenance is right for you:

You enjoy being outdoors.

If you’re tired of your desk job, working in property maintenance may be a dream come true! In most property management positions, you’ll spend the majority of time outdoors handling repairs and taking care of a property’s grounds. Most tasks involved in property maintenance require physical labor and a willingness to work outdoors in various capacities, depending on your property’s ongoing needs.

You’re a problem-solver. 

If you’re naturally inclined to solve problems and help others, you may find joy and fulfillment working in property maintenance. Property maintenance techs typically find satisfaction helping others (often tenants) with issues regarding their apartments or residential units. From repairing kitchen appliances to fixing a clogged toilet, property maintenance techs thrive on finding solutions to common household problems and addressing tenants’ needs in a quick and efficient manner.

You’re a skilled multi-tasker.

In the life of a property maintenance worker, no day is ever the same. At many property complexes, there is an ever-changing multitude of demands that must be fulfilled. An ability to multitask and quickly switch gears on the job is essential, as you’ll be expected to perform a wide array of responsibilities ranging from plumbing and painting to groundskeeping, snow removal, and gardening. If you like variety in your daily work routine, you’ll likely find a job in property maintenance to be exhilarating and fun.


These are just some of the signs that a career in property maintenance may be a solid fit. Taking time to learn more about the field will give you a better sense of whether you’d thrive in this type of role.


Ready to embark on your first property maintenance job? Launch your job search with HH Staffing and start browsing our employment opportunities!


Until Next Time,


Your Staffing Partner, Darrin Rohr- President, CEO, and Chief Servant

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Current owner of HH Staffing and Former Chief HR Officer for several successful Multinational Fortune 500 Companies. Brings a fresh perspective from decades of experience creating Great Workplace Cultures by building high-performance teams while leading and managing people from all different backgrounds. HH Staffing is headquartered in Sarasota, Florida, and is uniquely positioned to serve both local and national clients.


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