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Why Is It Important To Submit Your Timesheet Correctly?

Submit Your Timesheet CorrectlyTimesheets are no fun. Don’t worry, we get it. We understand they are not your favorite thing to do, especially at the end of a long work week, and it can be hard to remember what you did over the course of the week in order to complete your timesheet. Right now we are stuck between a new way of working and an old way of recording it, unfortunately.

So, since you still have to fill out and submit your timesheets, here are some reasons why it is important to complete them correctly.


Inaccuracies Can Occur

It is surprising how many employees have missed hours on their timesheets, effectively underpaying themselves by doing so. It is not a bad idea to fill in your timesheet every day, otherwise you are risking shorting yourself hours. Please reference the graph below regarding timesheet accuracy.


You Can Tick Off Your Employers

Here at HH Staffing Services, we require timesheets be submitted to us by 9am on Monday. Out of the hundred or so employees who submit timesheets, we usually end up not receiving over 30 of them. As a result, our staff ends up having to reach out to everyone on the busiest day of the week. Often it takes so much time to organize timesheets that we have to delay payroll. By not filling out timesheets as instructed, you are not only making it more difficult for us to pay you, but also everyone else. If we have to call you multiple times, you can be assured we will be less than cheery.


If you submit a timesheet without your name, without dates, or where the numbers are not clear it can be very confusing. We do not have time to add up hour totals or look up your full name in our system. We are not mind readers (yet!) and we do not want to just guess and potentially jeopardize relationships with our clients.


All that being said we greatly value our employees and we want you to succeed. We also want you to get paid. Timesheets are your responsibility. So, until technology catches up, please make all of our lives easier and submit your timesheets filled out correctly and in a timely fashion. If you ever feel confused by any part of the timesheet process, please let us know. We are always happy to help you. Thank you!


Right now we have a number of exciting positions available, and we can get you to work ASAP. We are currently looking to hire a QuickBooks Bookkeeper and a Fundraising Helper in Sarasota, an AP/AR Clerk in Clearwater, a Veterinary Front Desk Receptionist in Plantation, and a Production Worker in Apopka. Please visit our website for more employment opportunities. We look forward to working with you!


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